The beautiful flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God by parishioners who want to remember a loved one or to give thanksgiving to the people and events in their lives. Requests can be made for specific Sundays to coincide with remembrances and celebrations. Flower memorials will be printed in the Sunday Bulletin. The suggested donation for flowers at the Mary or St. Joseph statues is $75 each. The suggested donation for the flowers in front of the altar is $125 each.
Donations for flowers may be included in the Sunday collection by placing the donation in an envelope marked "Altar Flowers." If flowers are being donated in remembrance, please include a note with that information and your name and phone number if office staff may need to contact you. If a specific Sunday is being requested, please go to the parish office to schedule the remembrance.
Flower choice and colors will be at the discretion of the Altar Society and florist due to liturgical color and season.
*Note: There are no individually dedicated flowers on the altar during the liturgical season of Lent.
There are general appeals for flower donations prior to Christmas and Easter.