The Garden Ministry is asking for your help sprucing up the gardens around the Church and Parish Office. We will meet Saturday, October 26th to complete a list of projects to get the garden ready for fall. The projects involve weeding, trimming, mulching, etc. If you enjoy being outdoors when the weather is nice and want to lend a helping hand, please bring your gloves, hand shovels and tools and meet us at 10 a.m. in front of the Church. No gardening experience is necessary. We are looking for volunteers of every age.
El Ministerio de Jardinería Necesitamos de su ayuda para arreglar los jardines alrededor de la Iglesia y la Oficina Parroquial. Nos reuniremos el sábado 26 de octubre a las 10 a.m. frente a la Iglesia. Si le gusta estar al aire libre cuando el clima es agradable y desea ayudarnos, traiga sus guantes, y arreglemos nuestros jardines. No es necesario tener experiencia en jardinería